Thursday, 7 November 2013

Let go.

Slowly accepting that every year I shall lose something or someone. Either things or human being. But this time, I'm so grateful because my du'a has been answered. Alhamdulillah. I can't deny that I'm sort of sad that my friends, friends that has been treating me like i was one of  their friends but I'm glad. Deep inside, i'm glad it's over. Because finally I know what's face behind that mask. Or perhaps I'm just used to it. It's sad when someone who i thought friends, insult me. I don't know, i'm just i don't care anymore. Now, If you want to leave, just go. I'm done with chasing people. I believe, right people will stay. If s/he's not for me, they'll leave. Just like others before. Because Allah knows best. Yeap. So start believing & be happy.