Thursday, 13 March 2014

Thank you.

I'm starting over & over again. When someone I care, left me and there is nothing I can do about it. I don't want to bother him with my presence anymore. I'm sorry because of my existent within your life. I will not be there anymore, if Allah wills. Well I guess he has the right to leave, because of me. The clumsy me. The ugly me. Haha look how low my self esteem luls. But this time, he's pretending we've never met. If you want to leave, go. I have no power to stop you. But once you've left, it will never be ok to come back. It's absurd. I should not have opened up to anybody and I never will. I promise myself. It's like, you want to know them, you listen to their stories, you changed the them & you fade away. Sigh. How noble you are. But thank you, for making me realized that words are not for trust. 

''I don't know if I have a heart anymore because you took it & crumpled it into dust.''