Saturday, 8 February 2014

I'm sorry.

To everyone I know, I'm sorry. I'm sorry because I stayed away from people. I'm sorry. It just me, it's not you. I don't know what is wrong with me. I want really bad to get out from this school. Not because the teachers are bad & despise schoolmates. No. Because of me. Because I want to stay away from people, I don't quite know what's happening to me. I hate it when I'm surrounded by people & people know me. I just want to go to somewhere where people don't know me & anything about me. I just want that. I'm sorry, it's not like I don't love, it's just me. I'm tired of understanding people. I'm tired of be nice to people. & I'm tired of getting my hopes high on people. I don't want to fall in love in again. I don't want.