Saturday, 21 December 2013

Stuffs I've learned in 2013.

         ''It's crazy how a year can change people so much.'' In 2013, there's so many things I've learned. People, family, friends & love stuffs. 1. Every wish I've wished for, never worked out. Its turned to something different. Perhaps there are several wish happened just like I've wished for. (but its like 1/3) (blergh) I've made at least 100 wishes but haha. Well. So I decide, 2014, my wish is only one; be a good person. 2. Don't give up. Finally yay! I got 8As for PMR & it's really good. The memories of how hard I strive still vivid in my mind. You know, the first time I saw Geography's questions I felt like I was the most stupid person in the world, but after I've learned, it's not really bad actually. For over two years, (2011, 2012) I've been taking my study stuffs lightly, but this year I said to myself; ''I'm going to make things right.'' Then, so it's like the most important thing can be learn in one day if you really have the passion to do it. I promise you, it will. 3. Don't ever trust anyone. (I mean you can trust someone but not too much.) They can ruin your day in one second. There's a guy who've been nice to me, he's really great, no doubt. But I certainly took all those said words, too seriously. I mean, I don't actually care if someone want to say ''overly-nice'' words to me, but I blame myself because I fall for words, not his. I fell for his words saying; ''I miss you.'' but not him. It's different when you fall for words & human. I never met him before, but urgh how can myself be so silly. So, never trust someone too seriously. 4. I deactivated my twitter 3/4 months ago, I thought I only lost my twitter but I also lost my friends. When you are in this step like mine; i mean adolescent age, you are going to change yourself. You are going to change your friend. You are going to change your life. Your life depend on how you work today. & losing friends was not really hard though but losing myself was. I mean, when you used to be with tons of humans & suddenly you just; alone. It was hard, no doubt. But I did it. So lesson I've learned is, no matter how hard the situation is, you'll pass through it. Just like Yasmin Mogahed once said; ''Good or bad time is, it'll pass. Don't get attached.'' (pardon me if this is not whats she said) 5. Whatever you do, all you need is; persistent. Or I called it; istiqamah. Istiqamah is important because if you don't have it, so your goals will never work. I mean if you want to lose weight, you have to work-out everyday not one-day. Istiqamah matter. 6. ''Every leaders read.'' Read as much as you can. Just read like you're going to return that book tomorrow & don't be lazy to find the words you don't understand. I have a bunch of papers that contain words I don't understand with meanings, well well well seems like I'm going to make a dictionary of dummies (lol no). Over 7 months this year, I just noticed it's been a year since my last shopping for cloths. And all I've been looking for just; books. Facts of me: I really don't like reading, but I love the way the writers told the story & the feeling when you read the books and imagine like you are the hero. Haha, it's like you're in books. I don't read, but I live in books. 7. ''Great things happen to those who waits.'' Absolutely! ...but in order for the great things happen whilst you ar waiting better do something useful like; learning. Nelson Mendela whilst he were in prison, he learned african's language & several stuffs even though he knew that he probably going to spend his life in prison. But who knows what's coming, so better be prepared. So, yeah something great is going to be happen, don't rush. 8. Don't chase people/love/anything! (Unless it's Allah's love & Rasullullah's.) People said, ''don't chase love, if it meant to be, it'll be.'' So, whatever you do don't begging for someone to stay because I believe if he's really meant to me, he'll be. Maybe not today but someday when I'm prepared. 9. Love yourself. But sometimes, I feel disgust about myself too. So if you don't, make it! I meant like, if you want a healthy body; then chase, don't grieve. Or maybe you eyes, you can't change it because it's haram so make it beautiful. Feels this body like; this is what gift from Allah & I have to make it right. But never use it because of human. Do it because of yourself & for Allah's sake. Because if you do it for human, at the end, it's going to be useless. The body you have is going to fade. Do it because of yourself & Allah's sake. 
I really do this will help you. May Allah give us Taufiq & Hidayah and strengthen our Iman. Amin.